viernes, septiembre 20, 2024
InicioOpiniónOPINIÓN- Carlos Sánchez Berzaín: Foreign policy of Argentina and Mexico is functional...

OPINIÓN- Carlos Sánchez Berzaín: Foreign policy of Argentina and Mexico is functional to dictatorships.

The government of Mexico and Argentina with Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador and Alberto Fernandez as presidents, respectively, have shifted their foreign policy taking it from supporting democracy, freedom, respect for human rights to the self-serving promotion of their own interests at the service of dictatorships. Argentina and Mexico’s foreign policy is seen as a fundamental part for the sustainment of 21st Century Socialism’s dictatorships, it is functional to them and is identified as para-dictatorial.
The 21st century in the Americas stands out by the increase of the number of dictatorships and for the harassment to and attacks against democracy. Using the Cuban dictatorship’s methodology and systems, they converted 21st century Castroism into 21st century Castrochavism, establishing dictatorships in Venezuela, Bolivia, Nicaragua, and for over ten years in Ecuador. Using the Forum from Sao Paolo as an instrument to advance their interests, they continue destabilizing democracies, always presenting their Transnational Organized Crime’s group as a leftist, progressive political process.
Foreign policy is “that part of general policy formed by a set of decisions and actions through which objectives are defined and the State’s means are used to; generate, modify, or suspend the relationship with other actors from the international community”. Internal Policy and Foreign Policy “are two phases of the same political reality”, they are intimately related.
Foreign Policy is “different to a single decision, in other words different to a unique behavior” because a “policy is a set of decisions that reveal a line of behavior and even though decisions and politics are manifestations of foreign policy, the earlier refers to a single, particular behavior while the latter represents a trend or behavior’s structure” (L. Tomassini)
With Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador as Mexico’s President since 1 December of 2018 and with Alberto Fernandez and Christina Fernandez de Kirchner as President and Vice-President of Argentina since 10 December of 2019, respectively, both countries’ foreign policy was immediately changed. Prominent guests at Mexico’s presidential swearing-in were; Cuba’s dictator Miguel Diaz Canel, Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro, and members of the Forum of Sao Paolo. In Argentina’s case, Rafael Correa -even though he was sought by Ecuadorean Justice- was in attendance, Lula da Silva was invited. Lopez Obrador, Fernandez and Kirchner are all members of the Forum of Sao Paolo with their political parties as members so several prominent party members were invited.
Some of the important actions of Mexico’s Lopez Obrador and Argentina’s Fernandez/Kirchner’s foreign policy shift are; the open support to Cuba’s dictatorship, recognition of dictator Nicolas Maduro and disavowal of Juan Guaido, the systematic paralization of the Group from Lima, the covering up of Rafael Correa sought by Ecuadorean justice with a sentence of 8 years in jail and an order for his arrest, the protection given to Evo Morales after he resigned and the open support for him to regain power in Bolivia and install a false narrative distorting the facts.
In the multilateral environment, Mexico and Argentina’s Foreign Policy appear to be the same, aimed to support Cuba’s dictatorship, sustain Nicolas Maduro’s dictatorship in Venezuela, protect Ortega in Nicaragua, and defend the simulation and fake objectives in Bolivia with votes and political actions at the United Nations (UN), specialized organizations, and at the Organization of American States (OAS).
It is remarkable to see Mexico and Argentina voting together against Israel with Cuba, Bolivia, and Venezuela in Russia and China’s group, while in the human rights’ field they assume a silence of complicity to the institutionalized violations of human rights in those countries controlled by Castrochavism with political prisoners, tortured, and exiles.
At the OAS, Argentina and Mexico conduct an all-front attack against the Secretary General Luis Almagro that has escalated to include a personal assault. Because of Almagro’s position condemning the existence of political prisoners and exiles in Bolivia, Mexico’s Foreign Affairs Secretary in order to defend the violation of human rights and the judicialized persecution that Bolivia’s regime conducts, has “ranked Luis Almagro’s management as the General Secretary of the OAS, as one of the worse”. When Almagro responded to the Mexican chancellor’s allegations, Argentina immediately got involved defending it and Argentina’s Chancellor “accused Almagro to be trying to sway the outcome of Mexico’s elections” and of being “greatly irresponsible”.
With these facts, the Americas are showing the existence of a Castrochavist dictatorial system directed by Cuba and comprised by Venezuela, Bolivia, and Nicaragua with Argentina and Mexico’s Foreign Policy at the service of the dictatorships.
* Attorney and Political Scientist. Director of the Interamerican Institute for Democracy.
Translated from Spanish by; Edgar L. Terrazas, member of the American Translators Association, ATA # 234680.
Fuente: IntDemocratic



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