viernes, octubre 18, 2024
InicioOpiniónOPINIÓN- Maibort Petit: How the Cuban revolution turned global in four stages...

OPINIÓN- Maibort Petit: How the Cuban revolution turned global in four stages – socialism communism expansionist project

The Sao Paulo Forum is a regional organization created at the behest of Fidel Castro, who pushed the former president of Brazil, Luz Inácio «Lula» Da Silva, at that time’s leader of the Workers’ Party and a presidential candidate, to promote and conform it with the aim of serving as a platform for his expansionist project, as well as a source of financing.

Fidel Casto seen as a visonary and the future

This is according to Hilda Molina, a Cuban neurosurgeon who formed the group of founders of the International Center for Neurological Restoration (CIREN) of Cuba and was a deputy to the National Assembly of People’s Power of the island that, in 1994, broke with Fidel Castro and his movement. She currently resides in Argentina.

Hilda Molina and Fidel Castro


Molina emphasizes that Fidel Castro has set himself two fundamental objectives since 1959, first, to subdue the Cuban people; and second, colonize Latin America.


Castro uses Lula Da Silva


Glimpsing the fall of the Soviet Union, from 1988 or earlier, Castro began to visualize how to finance and sustain his project. Anticipating the looming debacle, in 1989 he convinced Lula Da Silva to form the organization.

Molina explains that Fidel Castro, in order to develop his expansionist project throughout Latin America,

first sought to do so by armed means, for which the formation of guerrilla groups was the strategy.


The failure of this path led him to follow the battle of ideas,

and he formed ideological guerrillas who are responsible for taking the revolution through the continent in a silent way.


See our investigative reports on social media soldiers


Castro saw Lula Da Silva as the vehicle to fulfill his objectives, because by then the Brazilian aspired to the presidency of his country and, although he lost those elections, he did heed the call of the Cuban dictator and in 1991 they materialized the idea.


Hilda Molina indicates that on that date 68 organizations made up of subversives of the most varied profiles from 22 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean met in Sao Paulo. The name of The Sao Paulo Forum was received by the organization at its second meeting held in 1991.


Objectives of the FSP


Molina warns that behind the Sao Paulo Forum has always been the hand of Fidel Castro, Castroism and its interests.

Through its member of the group, the Communist Party, Cuba was the only member of the organization that held power at the time of its formation.

Likewise, Hilda Molina points out, the general staff of the FSP was born in Cuba led by Fidel Castro and has always been based in Cuba.


He indicates that the plenary of the Sao Paulo Forum meets periodically to develop agendas prepared by Castroism, which are approved almost literally. These decisions and declarations must be complied with by the members in the international arena and also in their respective countries according to their particularities.


He mentions the objectives of the FSP and Molina cites in the first place, to carry out the socialist revolution in the continent, using:

  1. Ideological guerrillas

  2. Social and political subversion of the region

  3. Economic

  4. Espionage


Ideological guerrillas


No longer using the armed struggle,as thy could not win by that means their methods now involved the electoral route.

«Coming to power by democratic means and then dismantling the institutions of democracy» is the goal.

This expansionist objective, the FSP carries out through its political arm, constituted by the «ideological guerrillas»,

who have infiltrated and infiltrate the spheres of society,

«building with their silent revolution, political power», says Molina.



Social and political subversion of the region


He then mentions the second objective,

which is the social and political subversion of the region.

For this, he argues, Castroism has its armed wing made up of successive generations of ideological guerrillas who have been formed at the behest of the Cuban dictatorship.

It is up to them to stage violent protests to vandalize, destabilize and sow terror.


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The third objective is economic, with the Sao Paulo Forum being an important source of illicit money for the Cuban regime, especially when some of its members are in power.







As the fourth objective of the FSP, Hilda Molina lists espionage, warning that the Forum has been of great value for the effective intelligence services of Castroism.


In Conclusion


Hilda Molina recalls that Venezuela,

headed by Hugo Chávez, was in 1998 the second FSP country to come to power democratically.

It is at that stage, he says, that


«Fidel Castro and his Castroism mutate transforming into the regional dictatorship called


Socialism of the 21st Century,



which today advances in its objective of colonizing Latin America.»


About the Author

She is a Venezuelan writer, researcher and political scientist specializing in Transnational Organized Crime. Based in New York, she works for several Hispanic media outlets and as a consultant for several firms in New York and Washington D.C.

Fuente: Investigative



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