sábado, septiembre 7, 2024
InicioOpiniónMexico decides if it will continue to be a satellite of castrochavist...

Mexico decides if it will continue to be a satellite of castrochavist dictatorships

Carlos Sánchez Berzaín,

Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) has marked his presidency by Mexico’s subordination to the dictatorships from Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, and Nicaragua at the expense of Mexican interests, thus becoming a “Para-Dictatorial Government.” This upcoming 2nd of June, the Mexican people will elect a president, 128 senators, and 500 federal representatives, and the electoral results will determine if Mexico continues to be at the service of 21st Century Socialism dictatorships, or Castrochavism, with ensuing critical consequences.

A Para-Dictatorial government is that which “is directed by a democratically elected president who subjects his country at the service of dictatorships in order to contribute to their sustainment with legitimization actions and support, failing to meet international legal obligations to the detriment of its own national interests.” This definition describes -amongst others- the government of Lopez Obrador, subjecting Mexico to significant internal harm and placing Mexican foreign policy at the service of dictatorships from Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, and Nicaragua.

Narco-State dictatorships of Twenty-First Century Socialism or Castrochavism are in power in Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, and Nicaragua and they wield power through State-terrorism with political prisoners, judicialized persecution, exiles, the use of torture, assassinations, human trafficking, assassination of reputations, forcible migrations, and crimes against humanity. These dictatorships comprise a system of “transnational organized crime” that wields power with impunity and meddles in each and every democracy of the Americas through conspiracy, destabilization processes, and support or direct involvement in electoral processes in which they include in the ballots their own candidates who, after winning, get to power and subject their government at their service as “para-dictatorial” governments.

Through electoral meddling, 21st Century Socialism is able to install governments in democratic countries, or establish disruptive oppositions with the objective of destroying democratic institutionality -through violent processes and/or Constituent Assemblies- and establish dictatorships. On occasion, para-dictatorial governments are somewhat contained in the wrecking of democracy by their national institutional resilience, but cause and commit serious internal harm as the dictatorship’s satellites in matters of foreign affairs just as is happening today with the governments of AMLO in Mexico, Petro in Colombia, Boric in Chile, and Lula da Silva in Brazil and just as it had previously happened in Argentina with Fernandez/Kirchner.

The elections Mexican people will be partaking in, are not exempt from Castrochavism’s meddling that ranges from interference in the electoral process with unsurmountable financial resources along with -and beyond- those legally authorized as has been disclosed with Petro in Colombia, to the digital manipulation of the press and propaganda, to the threats and attacks to members of the opposition. The electoral processes are, now-a-days, greatly exposed to organized crime’s manipulation by Castrochavism and digital technology involved in Russian and Chinese meddling at the service of the region’s dictatorships.

Amongst the notorious actions of Lopez Obrador on behalf of, and with resources from Mexico, are his subordination to Cuba’s dictatorship, head of the criminal group, with the decoration he awarded to dictator Diaz-Canel, the contracting of enslaved physicians and people at the expense of Mexican professionals, the purchase of precious stones, the delivery of oil under several ploys and more. AMLO concealed and protected Venezuela’s dictator Nicolas Maduro whose visit he welcomed and failed to comply with the international arrest warrant with a $15 million bounty for Maduro’s arrest for the crimes of narcotics’ trafficking and for being the head of the “Los Soles Cartel,” therefore, compromising the Mexican State to coverup crimes against humanity.

When Bolivia’s dictator Evo Morales got caught committing electoral fraud and other crimes he resigned and AMLO -meddling in Bolivia’s internal affairs- sent an airplane from Mexico’s Air Force and facilitated his flight from Bolivia, thus avoiding his prosecution and legally due sentencing. AMLO provided for Morales’ sustainment and sent him to Cuba and Argentina. In another case that exposed AMLO’s true nature and ideological leaning, the case of Nicaragua, AMLO protected and recognized the fraudulent election to reelect Daniel Ortega in-spite of the fact that prior to the election dictator Daniel Ortega jailed all candidates from the opposition, uprooted, expelled, and divested all of his victims of their Nicaraguan citizenship. The most recent of Mexico’s para-dictatorial operation to favor Castrochavism, provoked a diplomatic incident with Ecuador when AMLO granted asylum to someone who had been duly tried and sentenced.

Mexicans, with their vote, will decide and they -along with the peoples of the Americas- could benefit with the liberation of Mexico from its condition of being a Para-Dictatorial satellite of the dictatorships from Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, and Nicaragua that their president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) has made this great country to bow down to.

Fuente: Int Democratic



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