miércoles, julio 3, 2024
InicioPolíticaThese Are The Likely Democratic Presidential Candidates If Biden Drops Out—As Rough...

These Are The Likely Democratic Presidential Candidates If Biden Drops Out—As Rough Debate Prompts Calls To Stand Down

TOPLINE President Joe Biden’s rocky debate performance Thursday has prompted widespread concern among Democrats that if Biden doesn’t drop out of the race, President Donald Trump will win the November election, leaving these Democrats best poised to step into his shoes if the party replaces Biden.

After a rough debate Thursday in which Biden lost his train of thought, spoke with a hoarse voice and made several verbal flubs, some Donald Trump opponents and Biden allies raised the idea of Biden stepping aside.

Biden’s age, coupled with his habit of rhetorical gaffes and low approval rating, have fueled speculation among politicos for months about possible Biden replacements, though most of the suggestions are fierce defenders of the president who have rejected any assertions they would challenge Biden.

If health issues were to prevent Biden from fulfilling the duties of the presidency—and render him unable to run for a second term—Vice President Kamala Harris would be elevated to the presidency, but it doesn’t mean she would replace him as the party’s nominee.

Harris is the most obvious, de facto pick for a potential Biden replacement on the general election ticket, but her bleak polling numbers (her approval rating currently stands below 40%, according to FiveThirtyEight) would likely raise concerns that she could lose the general election to Trump.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s political activity, including his support for Democrats in elections outside of California, prompted rumors last year he was running a “shadow campaign” for the White House, but Newsom has firmly dismissed the possibility, vowing his allegiance to Biden’s 2024 campaign and serving as a Biden campaign surrogate.

Other Democratic governors who have elevated their national profiles—Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Colorado Gov. Jared Polis and Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro—are also regularly listed as potential Biden alternatives, especially after all four won gubernatorial races by double digits in 2022, but they’re all stumping for Biden’s 2024 campaign and have ruled out running against him.

An advisor to Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who is a year older than Biden, said in a 2022 memo he hadn’t ruled out a run for president in 2024 in the event of an open primary, but Sanders has since pledged to sit out the race and has endorsed Biden instead (Sanders ran in the 2016 and 2020 primaries but fell short to Hillary Clinton and Biden, and some Democrats fear his status as a self-described democratic socialist could harm his general election chances).

None of the third-party candidates challenging Biden from the left are considered viable challengers, but they could see Biden dropping out of the race as a chance to build enthusiasm for their long-shot candidacies—including independents Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Cornel West.

Democratic primary contender Rep. Dean Phillips (D-Minn.) ran against Biden in the 2024 primary, largely focusing on Biden’s age, but he received little support before dropping out.

The unfounded theory that Democrats could elevate Michelle Obama as their 2024 nominee has been circulating for years, as polls have shown she has high favorability ratings. But Obama has said repeatedly she will never run for president and doesn’t want the job.

Biden clinched the Democratic nomination this year by nearly sweeping the primaries, earning him the vast majority of his party’s delegates, but a new nominee could theoretically be chosen at the Democratic National Convention if he stepped aside. Since delegates are not required to support the nominee at the party’s Aug. 19 convention, Biden could urge them to support another candidate in the unlikely event that he ends up dropping out. If Biden were to win the nomination at the convention, but was unable to run in the November general election, convention rules would require Democratic Party Chair Jaime Harrison to consult Congress and the Democratic Governors Association to recommend a new nominee to the Democratic National Committee.

Biden lost his train of thought and gave an incoherent answer to a question just minutes into Thursday’s debate, one of several instances in which he struggled to form sensical responses and had to repeatedly correct himself. Biden spoke with a hoarse voice and seldom reacted when Trump was speaking, often standing with a blank stare on his face, his mouth agape. By the end of Thursday’s 90-minute program, the Democratic Party was reportedly in panic mode, with operatives, lawmakers and donors privately discussing replacing Biden on the ticket, multiple outlets reported. Left-leaning national media figures who have close relationships with Biden, from MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough, to The New York Times’ Thomas Friedman, publicly suggested he should bow out of the race in the wake of Thursday’s debate, with Friedman writing Biden “has no business running for re-election” and Scarborough asking the rhetorical question on air Friday morning “can he run for president in 2024?” Biden rejected calls for him to drop out after Thursday’s debate, telling reporters he had a sore throat when asked about his hoarse voice. “It’s hard to debate a liar,” Biden said of Trump.

Fuente: Forbes



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